New document production
Multi-format documents

Multi-format document publication is increasingly popular in companies and communities. Modes of communication evolve rapidly. Therefore, we must adapt to our interlocutors' reading modes. The information must be available quickly on the appropriate platform (PDF, Web, Tablets, Smartphones, etc.). The information reception mode must be personalized as well. Also, everyone can use different reading media. Conventional writing tools such as word processing are not suitable for this method of distributing multi-format documents. In order to disseminate the document in the desired way, the original document must often be imported using different software. This results in additional expense and time.
The Calenco multi-format publication platform
The dynamic publishing platform Calenco allows you to automatically synchronize and personalize all the communication media of the same product. For example, one characteristic of a product will affect allthe files in the different versions and in all formats: print, Web, mobile, etc. Each reader will have information on the medium of their choice.
It offers a tremendous opportunity to streamline your production and allows you to:
save time when updating multi-format documents;
avoid entry or "copy and paste" errors;
automate exports in Web or PDF format;
pass on all necessary multi-format documents to all teams without constraints.
Content structured independently of the dissemination channel
Calenco uses the principle of separation of presentation from final content, with the multi-format concept allowing multichannel dissemination of structured content irrespective of a preferred dissemination channel, as is often the case with PDFs in word processing tools or DTP.
Paper media, websites, blogs, mobile devices, etc. the explosion in the number of media is leading to a considerable increase in the activity of communication services, which often have difficulty organizing themselves to synchronize published content. The services in charge of disseminating information are now in charge of a multitude of media of a company or a community, whether paper media, electronic media, Internet sites or even mobile terminals.
Each new platform variation results in a repetition of tasks, reruns, duplications, "copy and paste", file format conversions, etc.
Multi-format diffusion of reliable information
This profusion multiplies the risk of content omissions and synchronization errors.
If we add the intervention of service providers in the publication chain: communications agency, web agency, translators, etc., time lost in rereading/checking, deadline extensions. Resource requirements mount up, for a final result with very little added value.
In addition to cost and deadline reductions, the main advantage of content synchronization is ensuring the reliability of information for its entire life cycle.
As a result, any content generated in the organization feeds an increasingly large database. It must be maintained over time. This tendency is exacerbated with the multiplication of multi-format platforms that must manage all transverse departments.
In this respect, Calence has become an essential partner to many companies, from small-to-medium to Major Accounts. It gives them an innovative tool that is accessible to all. It streamlines work methods, while reducing the burden posed by communications projects.