User manuals for medical machines

- Leader Company: NEODOC
- Partner company(ies):
- Customer name: Supersonic
- Requesting department: Industrial department
- Area of business: Innovation in medical imaging
- Length of project In operation since 2017
- Users of the solution (end users): R&D department
Customer needs:
- Automating a wide range of documents, in particular manuals for medical imaging equipment.
- Eliminating sources of error
- Secure migration of existing Word format documents
- Monitor actions of those involved, content and documents thanks to the workflow
Services offered:
- Calenco and Calenco translator licences (hosting data, back-ups, etc.)
- Migration
- Training
Method used:
- Description of the method (in a few lines): Analysis of training documents and making them available to Calenco.
Ressources allocated (number and function - internal or customer ressource):
- Jessica Bercoff - Education, Clinical and Market surveillance Manager at SuperSonic Imagine
- Hugo Pottiez- Customer Service Specialist at SuperSonic Imagine
- Almudena San Roman - Project manager at NeoDoc
- Camille Bégnis at NeoDoc
- Required workgroups/workshops: Traditional Calenco training
Tools used:
- Calenco
- User manuals
- User guide
Costs (ROI):
- Automating PDF editing to avoid wasting time with manual editing;
- Optimising and reducing time spent to focus on the content and not style, by offering automatic style models;
- Easy creation by mere assembly of pre-existing modules
- Document range selection thanks to logical sorting by product, version, end-user type;
- Standardisation of structure and graphic charter for all documents regardless of the writer;
- Ensuring compliance with the propagation of changes and updates to all related documentation;
- Ensuring standardised application of the graphic and style charter for all documents produced.
- 50% time saved on writing and updating all document types.
- Implementation of the solution in just a few months.
- Archiving all working versions of a reference document for future reuse;
- Automatically distribute finalised documents in an in-house base accessible to all.
- Automatic production of several media types (PDF, Web, etc.) without user intervention.
- Centralised management of source and model documents in a single database, accessible to all involved in the project;