Quality of user manuals
Improve the quality of user manuals for its customers
As it grows, Ikosoft must deal with increasingly frequent requests for documents and instruction manual updates. The company chose Calenco to optimize and ensure the accuracy of its manuals.
Created in 1993, Ikosoft is a professional software development company specializing in the management of hair salons, beauty salons and spas (billing, customer management, inventory management, marketing, etc.).
Interview with Véronique Dumond, management assistant at Ikosoft

Calenco, to write, update and translate user manuals simply
How did you discover Calenco?
We needed a platform that lets us easily write our manuals in multiple languages. We searched the Internet, and the solutions we found seemed complicated. We just need a simple tool for people who are accustomed to using Word. To us, Calenco seemed to be the most suitable solution for writing, updating and translating our manuals.
Which tools were you using before you discovered Calenco ?
Until now, we were creating manuals in Word and sending the documents out to be translated in various countries. Each time we made modifications, it was complicated. So, the long-term plan is to use Calenco for all of our manuals.
We are eagerly awaiting the new translation platform built into Calenco to translate our manuals without wasting time sending files back and forth.
From writing in Word to Calenco structured writing
How did you experience the move from Word to Calenco?
At the start, I was worried about how much work it would be to migrate all of our Word documents to Calenco.
We started by writing only the new user manuals. This allowed me to familiarize myself with the tool and to enjoy the publisher's ergonomics. Today, I am able to reuse existing content without the risk of errors, which often occur with "copy-and-paste" in Word.
What's more, with Calenco, we can automatically offer a document in various formats (Web, PDF, etc.), which cannot be done in Word without a lot of manipulations.
Calenco training and support department
What do you think of the training department and the support offered by NeoDoc?
Training went well, it helped me to quickly take charge of the software and become autonomous. I also relied on the user manuals, which contain important information, but the training was the best.
Regarding information, besides the support messages that I receive, I do not necessarily read newsletters, emails, etc. When I need something I create a ticket and I get an answer fairly quickly.
IKOSOFT creating buzz for Calenco
Would you recommend Calenco to other professionals?
Yes, of course, especially for software publishing companies, who must create manuals, online help, and translate them. It's a complete tool. We are happy with Calenco.