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Writing software: The NeoDoc quality assurance process

Structured writing software

The quality assurance process is carried out to assure writing software performance and our customers' satisfaction. Yet, our obsession and goal is to make Calenco the easiest to use and most reliable structured writing software on the market. Camille Begnis founding director of NeoDoc.

First of all, it is essential that every company has the trust of its customers. Next, NeoDoc has set up a quality assurance process which consists of strengthening the client's confidence and the credibility of a company. As a result, it allows the latter to better compete with its adversaries on a global market.

What's more, this quality assurance process mainly concerns the organization and the means deployed by the company to guarantee quality. Thus, NeoDoc adopted a strict quality assurance process to guarantee the quality of its products to its customers.

During an interview, Camille Bégnis uses the number 2726 to illustrate the work that goes into the quality process. it corresponds to the number of automatic tests that are carried out to guarantee the quality of Calenco software.

It is important to remember that Calenco writing software is dedicated to the creation, translation, publication and distribution of companies' strategic documents.

The Calenco writing software quality assurance process

Camille Begnis CEO NeoDoc presents the quality assurance process of Calenco's writing software​

Could you explain to me in detail what the number 2726 represents?

This figure represents the number of automatic tests that are carried out on Calenco to evaluate all of its functionalities. These tests are carried out with each new version of Calenco. They encompass all security and functionality aspects of the writing software platform.

In addition, we work with many major accounts (EDF, SNCF, General Electric, Bouygues Construction, etc.). We have to provide them with this quality assurance. All of our clients benefit from it, no matter what their size.

How are these quality assurance tests carried out?

They are automatic scripts that reproduce a complete platform usage scenario. It verifies that each user functionality, particularly security restrictions, are in conformance with initial specifications.

The tests are carried out directly in the API (Application Programming Interface). In addition, these exhaustive manual tests are carried out on the graphic interface.

Where does this very precise number come from?

This figure represents the number of tests carried out to ensure that no regression occurs in new versions of Calenco. It is continually increasing to take new functionalities into account. An update cannot be carried out unless the result is 100% positive. During testing, these results are not always satisfactory. Therefore, before the update can be made, we must carry out corrective actions on the code until we attain 100% success.

What is the importance of these tests in NeoDoc's quality process?

They are essential. Otherwise, we would have to conduct all of the tests manually. Furthermore, it would take an enormous amount of time, not to mention the ever-possible risk of human error.  

Are the tests carried out only on Firefox?

They are carried out on several browsers and several operating systems, each time there is a new functionality.

In conclusion:

The NeoDoc quality assurance process is exacting. The number of tests required increases regularly. Next time I will tell you a much higher figure. concludes Camille Bégnis with a smile.

Calenco: strategic content-writing software for companies and communities
