In pursuit of lost time

Car Protection Services, an independent broker founded in 2009 by experts in automotive distribution, financing and insurance, has decided to reconsider its approach to the creation of contractual and commercial documents, to respond to the growing problem of time. necessary for their achievement. A reflection and a consultation which led the communications department to opt for the SaaS Calenco software, a structured writing solution developed by the French publisher NeoDoc. What solution to automate the production of contractual and commercial documents for Car Protection Services? How to guarantee the reliability of the content? What are the benefits for the teams?
Car Protection Service, an independent company that invests on a direct approach
In 2009, experts in automobile distribution, financing and insurance decided to join forces to directly distribute insurance products to professionals and individuals, without any intermediary. Car Auto Protection was born. An independent broker, the company now has more than thirty employees and operates in France and in several international markets.
How to meet the challenge of the exponential increase in the number of documents to be produced?
In a few years, the company has grown significantly. This growth has resulted in an increase in the workload linked to the creation of contractual and commercial supports. To try to limit this particularly time-consuming activity, Car Protection Services decided to look for software solutions that make it easier and more efficient to create documentation. It is in this context that Car Protection Services approached the Calenco teams. A solution that answered several criteria defined by the communications department: ease of use, possibility of reuse of content, automatic updating of media and guarantee of graphic consistency.
Clearly identified needs
Because Protection Services, which until then worked under Word, wanted to streamline the production of three types of commercial documents: product sheets, contracts and IPID (Insurance Product Information Document). This represented a volume of documents of about 200 product sheets, 200 instructions, about twenty IPIDs, all using ten different models.
Careful listening for a tailor-made response
This is where Calenco comes in. This solution made it possible to create a maximum of documents from only a few models thanks to the reuse of content. The Calenco approach is based on the dissociation of content and form. We think above all content. The formatting occurs in a second step, with the creation of style sheets. The Calenco team has understood the specificities of the insurance brokerage activity, in particular thanks to the reuse of content, a feature that saves considerable time and ensures that documents are instantly updated and valid. The creation of dedicated style sheets, for full respect of the graphic charter, the implementation of variables, were also decisive elements in the success of the project.
Simple implementation and priority given to training
Changes in working methods can sometimes be difficult for teams to understand. A particular effort has been made on the training part, to show, explain and educate, upstream of the implementation of the Calenco solution. In total, three major training sessions were organized: a first distance training, for a detailed presentation of the software, a second at the premises of NeoDoc a few months later and finally a final session was given at the premises of Car Protection. Services in order to make as many people as possible aware of the functionalities of the software.
The project took place over a period of six months. During the first phase, the Car Protection Services teams sent Calenco, in Word format, the examples of the media that were to switch to Calenco: product sheets, notices and IPID, to start the creation of the different style sheets. Then, a pair followed the technical development and deployment of the project, with the aim of a quick and simple operational implementation.
Significant time savings, guaranteed precision
Thanks to the various training courses provided by the Calenco teams and the ergonomics of the software tool, the Calenco solution proved to be easy to use. According to Aurore Hennion, communication manager of Car Protection Services, “the Calenco solution has kept all its promises”. The reuse of content, the automatic updating of data, the transmission of documents directly from Calenco on the website, via FTP, the harmonization of all documents, have led to an inestimable saving of time.
A considerable advantage for the communication department, which Aurore Hennion underlines: “Before Calenco, each creation and modification required reviewing the documents one by one to modify them and then put them online. These "home-made" methods did not guarantee the harmony of the supports or the absence of errors.” A significant benefit, all the more so for companies that intervene in contractual matters, where the accuracy of documents and access to constantly updated content is essential. Simple, fast, essential, Calenco software quickly established itself as an essential tool at Car Protection Services. “To try it is to adopt” it, summed up Aurore Hennion. “Today, Car Protection Services could not do without this tool, the functions of which facilitate the work of the communication department on a daily basis, guarantee the harmony and consistency of our documents which are used every day by our sales representatives and customers.”
Responding to a clearly identified need with a tailor-made, adaptable, modular solution is the strength of the Calenco solution. But this approach also goes hand in hand with real support for change, to guide and guide customers in this new documentary production process and in getting to grips with this tool. “Seeing our customers adopt our solution and make it their own is a real satisfaction for our teams. We have always believed in modularity, inclusion, a guarantee of efficiency for writers and therefore for companies.” concludes Camille Begnis, director and founder of NeoDoc.